Monique and Krista finally got to meet Uncle Voddie! We discussed Voddie's experience growing up in South L.A. (very near Monique's neighborhood)
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Interview with Voddie Baucham
Dr. Voddie Baucham is a husband of 32 years to his wife, Bridget, father of 9 and a dedicated home-educator, former pastor, author, professor, conference speaker, and church planter. He currently serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia.
In his own words, Voddie said he's "just a preacher who loves the Lord, loves preaching the Gospel, and loves training the next generation and preparing them to do the same."
Voddie took us through his life's journey of growing up in South Central LA to finding Jesus while playing football in college; and ever since, Voddie has been a minister of the Gospel.
Voddie addressed several questions regarding CRT, racism, justice and gave many thoughtful, quotable moments throughout the interview:
There are thousands of prophets who have not bowed a knee to Baal. Unfortunately, many do not have high profiles...there are many people who are working hard for the Gospel (God always has a remnant!), but many of them don't use social media and they're not in those circles, but they're there!
We need to trust that the Lord will take care of us when we take principled stands.
We need to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. As Voddie's uncle would say, "You gotta go real slow, like a woodpecker with a headache." There's something between a coward who says nothing and an idiot who's fighting all the time and we have to find our place on that spectrum. And not every hill is a hill to die on.
Be sure to check out the full conversation with Voddie!
Segment #1 Resources
Voddie has authored many books. His latest book, Fault Lines, is a national bestseller:
Connect with the Guest
Be sure to check out Voddie's website to keep up with his latest ministry happenings:
Wrap-up and Annoucements
Last week, we did a live SUPERSTREAM with Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain. We took a deep dive into the Orange Curriculum and the Orange Conference. Check out the video to find out more: -->
Our spring book groups are starting soon! Check out the options and sign-up here:
Monique shared about an insightful book she is reading called "Why You Think the Way You Do" by Glenn Sunshine: -->
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