The enemies of the gospel know this all too well. They’ve been cunningly at work redefining our faith's most fundamental words, such as love, marriage and justice, and then embedding them in our institutions and school curriculum. Their goal is to transform society to reflect their harmful, anti-Christian beliefs.
As followers of Jesus Christ, how should we respond? We talked to our friend, Scott Allen (from Disciple Nations Alliance), about how to recover the true definition of these foundational words.
Our ministry friend, Scott David Allen, came on to talk to us about his brand new book, 10 Words to Heal Our Broken World.
Why does the world need this book?
There is significant power in how words shape the culture
As Christians who want to help shape the culture in God-honoring ways that lead to true justice, freedom, and flourishing, then we must know, defend, and live out Biblical words and definitions
If you want to change the culture, begin by changing language:
Words and language are incredibly powerful and Biblical
God created the universe by the power of His spoken word
God speaks to us through Scripture
Jesus, the Creator of all things, is referred to as the Word (John 1); humans also have a creative capacity and can create & shape culture through the use of words
Words are the building blocks of ideas
The 10 words described in the book:
What are the consequences of moving away from true, Biblical definitions of these words?
Biblical definition: God-ordained, exclusive, permanent union between one man and one woman, to be a husband and a wife, and a father and mother to any children that their union brings into being
Contemporary, cultural definition: a romantic, caregiving relationship between consenting adults who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners
**Based on the two definitions above, these are two completely different concepts! Definitions matter!!
Scott Allen also breaks down the Biblical definitions of LOVE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE in the remainder of the show. Be sure to check out the full episode!
As Christians, how can we respond when we hear these words come up in conversation with others?
Ask questions!
What do you mean when you use that word?
Ask/determine whether that definition is true based on what we know about God and what He says in Scripture
In a gentle and loving way, challenge the incorrect and un-Biblical definitions
Remain humble and be willing to be corrected as well, particularly when talking to leaders/those in authority
Make sure to check out Scott Allen's brand new book, "10 Words to Heal Our Broken World": https://www.amazon.com/Words-Heal-Our-Broken-World/dp/1625862865/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title
We highly recommend Scott's previous book, "Why Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice": https://www.amazon.com/Why-Social-Justice-Not-Biblical/dp/1625861761/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title
Connect with the Guest:
Connect with Scott Allen's work at Disciple Nations Alliance:
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