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  • Writer's pictureKrista Bontrager

How To Interpret the Bible

Basic Principles of Sound Bible Interpretation

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Segment #1: Surprise Guest: Alisa Childers!

Replay of the Launch Party:"

Our dear "Auntie" Alisa Childers has her brand new book coming out on October 6th! Go order your copy of "Another Gospel?" and check out our Launch Party.

Connect with the Guest:

Facebook: Alisha Childers


Segment #2: Bible Interpretation 101

"There are several foundational steps necessary for interpreting the Bible correctly:

1. Get a physical, paper Bible!

2. Understand that meaning comes from the author. The passages were written FOR me, but not TO me. We are a secondary audience.

3. Never read a Bible verse (by itself!)! Read the verses above and below and understand the ""chunk"" within the broader section/chapter of the book (try to ignore the paragraph headings and section breaks).

4. Bombard the passage with questions to develop a better picture of the context. CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT is so important!

5. Develop a ""main idea statement"" (thesis) of what the section is saying.

Krista took us through a sample hermeneutics lesson using the text of Matthew 18: 15-20.

Krista recommends this very helpful book:

Another helpful book:

Bible commentaries aren't necessary, but this is a good set for understanding the historical and cultural context:

Bible charts and maps can be helpful tools when studying the Bible. Monique shared some resources from Rose Publishing

Krista borrowed the phrase ""never read a Bible verse"" from apologist and author, Greg Koukl. Listen to his message here:

For another example of sound Bible interpretation, check out a recent teaching Krista did on the oppressed: What is the ""Cause"" of the Oppressed?:


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