Should Christians stay out of politics? Guest: Abraham Hamilton, III
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Segment 1: Interview with Abraham Hamilton III
Abraham Hamilton III is a Believer in Jesus, husband, father, homeschool dad, General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst for the American Family Association, and radio host of The Hamilton Corner on American Family Radio.
Abraham brought the fire tonight and helped us understand our role as Christians in the public sector. Here are some of the questions/issues he helped us understand:
Is there a difference between advocacy and protesting/activism?
Yes, there is a clear difference between advocacy and protesting. Everything I/we do [as Christians] should be anchored in a Biblical worldview. God sovereignly placed us in the nations in which we live (Acts 17) that men should seek God. As a Believer, it is my responsibility to put the light on the highest stand possible! Therefore, the Lord requires us to use the full complement of His divine plan by placing us in the nation where we live to use everything at our disposal to elevate the cause of Christ. Finally, advocacy must never be bifurcated from the proclamation of the Gospel and making disciples.
How does the Biblical worldview inform what I'm advocating for in the public square?
Advocacy should never go against the Ten Commandments!
Galatians 3:4-10: The Law served as a runway for the Gospel.
In all things concerning justice, it has to stem from a fundamental Biblical anchoring in the Imago Dei - all people are bearers of the image of the Creator God (Ex. Loving vs Virginia Case).
Current issues that Christians should be involved in fighting against:
Treatment of elderly/end of life issues
Is it wrong to legislate morality? For example, we are taking principles from God's Law and suggesting public policy based on that...Is there something illegitimate about that...that we are somehow engaging in coercion?
NO! What aspects of law are not a fundamental morality decision? The question is not, can/should we legislate morality, the question is whose morality will we legislate?
What are some of the implications if we allow culture to continue to advocate into the church versus the church legislating and advocating for Biblical morality?
America will become the mission field
The Church will be on the defense (instead of advancing the Kingdom on the offense)
"The world is gonna world"
What about boycotts? Do boycotts work? What is the difference between boycotts and cancelling?
First ask: What is the goal? Example: Target Corp boycott...what was the goal/purpose?
Make people aware
Cause people to think about the issues
Cause people to talk about the issues. In considering boycotts, we must ask are we participating in/normalizing things that are un-Biblical?
Previous episode with Dr. Scott Waller with a discussion of the First Amendment/FDR's Four Freedoms speech:
Book recommendation: After the Ball by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. Written in 1980s, the book addresses the normalization of the LGBTQ lifestyle and describes a step-by-step blueprint of how to implement these ideals into society. The book is now out of print, but can be found online
Abraham will be a plenary speaker at the UP Conference! He will be speaking on justice and the principle that justice begins in the home! Register here
Connect with Abraham Hamilton III
Segment #2: Edwin Interviews Krista and Monique!
Reconciled, our new small group curriculum is out! Our ministry friend and brother, Edwin Ramirez, asked us some questions about the curriculum:
1. What is Reconciled and who is it for?
It is a 6-week small group curriculum to go thru with your home group, high school youth group, faculty members at your Christian school, pastoral staff, etc.
2. What made you decide to write this curriculum?
After the racial tensions exploded in the spring and summer of 2020, people began asking questions about how to navigate these issues. Our heart is to point people to Christ and it seemed that there wasn't anything out there to guide people from a Biblical perspective. Our focus is on the Scriptures and sound theology of ethnicity and unity in the body of Christ.
3. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a major buzzword right now. With this curriculum, why is there an emphasis on unity and not necessarily a curriculum on Critical Race Theory?
This is NOT a curriculum about defeating CRT. This is the positive case for what does the Bible say about a theology of ethnicity. Our hope is to ground people in their worldview by providing a solid Biblical grounding. People were saying, "Okay, we get it that you are against CRT, but what's the positive case, what's the way forward, what's the alternative?" This curriculum is our answer!
4. What are a few takeaways you want people to get out of this 6-week study?
We are family!
We hope people will take some risks with each other and will respond with love, empathy, and kindness...people have been damaged by CRT; there are injuries on all sides. We can care for each other and think about each other the way the Father thinks about us.
5. What was the most difficult part of writing this curriculum?
Krista: Getting there! So many conversations over the years between the two of us. The curriculum is the fruit of many hard conversations.
Monique: My heart and mind is constantly being renewed. Knowing how much to put into the writing...not needing to give all the answers, but allowing the Holy Spirit to guide people.
6. What are some of challenges people will face as they go through the curriculum?
This is risky...we are inviting people to get into the game at a deeper level, for the sake of family. Opening ourselves up to the risk, failing, and trying again. It will be a challenge for people to put their pride aside and to really walk with one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
7. How can people get this curriculum?
Order online! It is available as a digital download with videos.
Monique will be speaking at the Awaken Conference through Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) on Saturday, August 7th.
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