A key theme on the podcast this year is justice for the pre-born. We are exploring the issue from a variety of different angles. This week, our friend Katy Faust (from Them Before Us), came back on the show to discuss recent developments in the public conversations about IVF and surrogacy. Together, we evaluated these technologies in light of the Christian worldview.
This season, we’ve spent a significant amount of time tackling justice issues for the pre-born. Be sure to check out our recent show on birth control and chemical abortion with Dr. Chris Cirucci: https://www.youtube.com/live/6UtYckA--a4?si=uLTTDN_jIxxi_hPl
Tonight, we brought our friend and colleague, Katy Faust, back on the show to give us an update on the current state of IVF and surrogacy. For those that don’t know Katy, she is the Founder and President of Them Before Us, a global movement defending children’s right to their mother and father. Katy works tirelessly to defend the rights of children through her speaking engagements, articles, and books.
What do we mean by “children’s rights”?
We appeal to the Natural Law tradition, which means the universal code of conduct that can be discovered by looking at the natural world; natural rights are enduring and true, no matter what civil law has to say
We appeal to the natural right that children have to be known and loved by their mother and father
Another natural right is the right to life
Just because someone calls something a “child’s right” does not mean it is a right! Likewise, just because an adult really, really wants something (eg get married, become a parent, birth control, loan forgiveness, etc), doesn’t mean it is a right!
Natural Law complements God’s Word…The world of God goes hand in hand with the Word of God (aka General Revelation and Special Revelation; see Psalm 19)
Current State of IVF:
What is IVF?
In-vitro fertilization; in other words, making a child in a petri dish. Potentially using a third party sperm and/or egg “donor” (Note: To be clear, this is not a donation, but is instead a marketplace of buying and selling the egg, sperm, and womb. This leads to the victimization of children!
Unfortunately, conservatives/Republicans appear to be connecting IVF to the Pro-Life movement, such as U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Republican, Kari Lake (AZ)
Link to Ted Cruz quote: https://www.cruz.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sens-cruz-britt-introduce-legislation-protecting-ivf
Big fertility companies destroy more embryonic life every year than Planned Parenthood. Therefore, if you are truly Pro-Life, the bigger monster is Big Fertility, not abortion. Between 92-97% of kids won’t make it out of the IVF process alive!
Christian Worldview Issues:
It is a natural, God-given desire to be married and have children; this is not wrong! However, we must consider ethics and Biblical truth: Even if something we want is good, noble, and wonderful, it doesn’t justify going outside the boundaries of God’s good design to get it
Is there a connection between the redefinition of marriage and surrogacy? YES!
In addition to single people, gay couples can now create children via surrogacy. Depending on the situation, this can create motherless or fatherless families for children.
Sadly, this is an open market of buying and selling and renting a womb; Because of the advancement of reproductive technology, not only is surrogacy available, but it is encouraged and seen as “progress.”
Could surrogacy be considered a form of trafficking? Absolutely YES!
For example, in adoption, money cannot change hands between the intended adoptive parents and the birth parents; this is considered trafficking. However, in surrogacy, the genetic parents and/or womb donor relinquishes their rights to the child and the baby is commodified with the exchange of money.
Child predators have a MUCH easier time getting access to children via surrogacy because there is no vetting process.
What Should Our Response Be?
Christians, we must stand up for children! We must be informed and we must be the last line of defense for children!
Check out the campaign #ANDnotOR and donate today: https://thembeforeus.com/andnotor-why-theres-no-such-thing-as-parenting/
Corporations can find out about “children first” benefit packages for employees: https://thembeforeus.com/benefits/
A new church curriculum is coming soon! Katy’s new book is coming soon!
Stay tuned to Them Before Us, get informed, share with your pastor and church leaders, and get involved in the fight to protect children!
Katy's books:
"Them Before Us": https://www.amazon.com/Them-Before-Us-Childrens-Movement/dp/B0BLQW8ZNK/ref=monarch_sidesheet_image
"Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City":
**Pre-order available for Katy's latest book, "Pro-Child Politics":
Katy's article on surrogacy and child victimization:
Check out the MAVEN Conference in Frisco, TX this fall! Illuminate, coming Sept 7th. Register here: https://www.mavenconferences.com/texas
Connect with the Guest:
Stay connected with Katy and the incredible work she's doing for child protection at Them Before Us:
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