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  • Writer's pictureKrista Bontrager

The Queering of Our Children

Author, Becket Cook, talked to us about his journey out of the gay lifestyle and shared his thoughts about the queering of our children.

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Intro and Interview with Becket Cook


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We are regularly uploading new blog posts that address issues of race from a historically Biblical perspective. Check it out:

Have you been to a CFBU Family Meeting lately? Monique leads a weekly livestream where she addresses relevant issues and questions that are coming up in the culture around us. In the latest Family Meeting, Monique talked about her recent interview with a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Officer from a Christian college. Check it out here:

We kicked off our first show of the season with a special guest, Becket Cook! Becket and Monique are currently touring with the Reality Student Apologetics Conference, put on by Stand to Reason. Check the website to find out if the Reality Conference is coming to a city near you:

Becket shared his story of living as a gay man for many years; he was a professional set designer in Hollywood and living a glamorous life, but after a radical conversion experience, Becket left the gay lifestyle and surrendered his life to Christ.

Before his conversion, Becket talked about how he followed "shiny objects" and felt that he was sustained by:

1. Having extraordinary experiences

2. Making it big in Hollywood

3. Finding true love

However, in the midst of a party in Paris, Becket essentially reached the end of himself and began questioning, "Is this all there is?"

Six months later, Becket met some Christians, attended a church service in LA and had a radical experience with God. The Holy Spirit flooded Becket's heart and said, "I am God. Jesus is my Son. Heaven is real. Hell is real. The Bible is true. Welcome to my Kingdom." BAM! And he hasn't been the same since this happened in 2009. Be sure to grab a copy of Becket's book where he chronicles his story and offers his reflections on the topic of homosexuality.

Monique asked: Do you think there's a specific agenda targeted at children? Becket explained that there are two prongs to this issue:

1. Yes, there is an agenda and a concerted effort to indoctrinate children with LGBTQ ideology

2. People within the LGBTQ lifestyle *think* they are doing good by helping open people's minds and help them understand

Q: As you speak around the country, what is the overall *theme* or *feel* that people are concerned about?

These LGBTQ topics/issues are so much more pervasive now among young people in junior high and high school. So many people know someone who is gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. We are inundated with so much celebration of the LGBTQ lifestyle.

We are the products of decades and centuries of philosophies and ideas that have very pernicious and destructive effects on the culture. The paradigm of Jean-Jacques Rousseau has really come home to roost. Becket goes into more detail of these issues on his show and references the history outlined in Carl Trueman's book.

We have to remember there is a spiritual battle going on!

Believers have to pray for young people and their families.

When we stand firm in our Biblical worldview, the world calls it hate speech, but it's actually love speech. Loving your neighbor means telling the Truth.

As Billy Graham said, "It's God's job to judge, the Holy Spirit's job to convict, and my job to love." Therefore, love people as much as you can, as generously as you can, but do not let go of your convictions because of that love.


Becket's book: "A Change of Affection":

Book: "After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's" by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. This book is currently out of print; it aims to normalize the gay culture & homosexual behavior, published in 1989.

Book: "Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything" by Robert Reilly -->

Book: "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution" by Carl Trueman -->

Connect with the Guest

Be sure to join us next week as we talk to Ryan Bomberger from the Radiance Foundation, where we will be talking about interracial adoption. Invite your friends to join us and share the show!


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Do you have a teenager or young adult? Impact 360 has a variety of phenomenal programs that will ground young people in their Christian faith and apologetics. Check out the video to learn more and visit their website to sign up!

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