Guest: Dr. Jeannie Constantinou; the role of women in the early church
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Segment #1: Interview with Dr. Jeannie Constantinou
Did you know that there were female apostles? And deacons? And why have priests historically been only men? We had an informative conversation exploring the role of women in the early church with Orthodox theologian and New Testament scholar, Dr. Jeannie Constantinou.
As an Orthodox Christian, Dr. Constaninou follows the framework and traditions of the Early Church. Dr. Constantinou helped us understand that Jesus was the great liberator of women! In stark contrast to the way women were treated in OT Judaism, Jesus welcomed women into the fold. Women were disciples of Jesus; women traveled with him; and women financially supported his ministry.
We also asked Dr. Constantinou for her opinion about the verses that say women should be silent in churches, such as 1 Corinthians 14: 34-36 and 1 Timothy 2: 11-12.
Find Dr. Constaninou:
Podcast "Search the Scriptures" on Ancient Faith Radio
Dr. Constantinou has a new book coming out later this year entitled “Thinking Orthodox.”
For another video that highlights the historic Christian faith, check out our conversation with Coptic Orthodox Subdeacon, Kirollos Guirguis.
Segment #2: Responses to Monque’s Black Lives Matter Blog Post
Monique published a blog post last week entitled, “Three Reasons Christians Should Not Support Black Lives Matter."
To find out more about the history of the Black Lives Matter Movement from one of their co-founders, check out this short video.